
GERM on ZOOM (July 15, 2020)


The Golden Era Recorded Music project is an ongoing exploration of the ANALOG RECORDING ERA on PLANET EARTH (1948 to 1988). Every Wednesday we play the LP RECORDS of that time, from all corners of the planet and in every style of music. We GUARANTEE you will hear something new each night!


Tonight we hear the OTHER piano concerto by MAURICE RAVEL (after last week's CONCERTO FOR THE LEFT HAND). Jazz-inspired following an extended visit to America I the late 1920's, it is at once sizzling and sentimental.


We will follow this classical fused with jazz piece with a jazz fused with classical creation by DUKE ELLINGTON: his 1950 HARLEM TONE POEM with a roster of his great soloists and the PARIS CONSERVATORY ORCHESTRA.


One of the brightest and fastest fizzling POP TRENDS from 1976 will happen with a surprise entry by 5 BLACK BROTHERS. DON'T MISS IT!


We send out a link for the Zoom meeting every Wednesday by email! Please contact us and let us know if you'd like to be added to the mailing list.


See you all at 7 pm TONIGHT!

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