The Golden Era Recorded Music project is an ongoing exploration of ALL recorded music on planet EARTH from 1948 to 1988.
We are starting a multi-segment expedition to explore POPULAR MUSIC from the GOLDEN ERA and we will be going alphabetically, from A to Z! ABBA to ZZ TOP! TONIGHT it's A, B & C, and each selection will be a surprise! (D, E, & F will happen in a week or two.)
The first ½ hour will be the POP SEGMENT then we will COMPLETELY shift gears and hear ½ hour of TWO BIG HEAVY HITTERS from the Classical World: ANTON BRUCKNER & GUSTAV MAHLER
Both Bruckner and Mahler came on the scene in the late 19th to the early 20th centuries, just when the modern symphony orchestra came into being with technical changes to the instruments and a substantial increase in the number of performers.
We will be hearing great orchestras led by two conductors who KNEW MAHLER PERSONALLY!
We send out a link for the Zoom meeting every Wednesday by email! Please contact us and let us know if you'd like to be added to the mailing list.
See you all at 7 pm TONIGHT!
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